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Essential Multifamily Rental Property Amenities You Should Provide

Essential Multifamily Rental Property Amenities You Should Provide

Running a rental business is more than just creating a habitable environment for your tenants. You also need to provide them with amenities they will need for their day-to-day lives. This not only helps with overall tenant satisfaction but also makes your listing more appealing to prospective residents. Here are a couple you should add if you don't have them yet.

Rental Amenities You Should Have

High-Speed Internet

Internet has been a convenience that we have quickly become dependent on, and not having an internet connection can quickly become a dealbreaker for applicants. With it being crucial in the digital age for work, entertainment, and communication, it’s arguably among the most important basic amenities your rental needs to have.

HVAC System

San Diego requires landlords to provide heating systems as part of the Habitability Requirements, but not air conditioning. However, this can be a valuable amenity since the temperatures can get sweltering in California, and your tenants might need a cooling system to remain comfortable in their apartment units.

Washer and Dryer

You can provide washer and dryer utilities as shared or in-unit amenities. While it might be more expensive to install individual units for each tenant, tenants will prefer private laundry facilities to communal laundry rooms that everyone in the apartment building shares. This is a must-have amenity if there are no laundry services in proximity to your rental property.

Smart Home Features

Having features like smart thermostats and smart locks can easily increase the rental value of your property since it's a unique apartment amenity. You can install a smart access control system to navigate with as well. Some smart thermostats and smart locks can be accessed through apps, although having them all in one hub is always an eye-grabbing feature.

Parking Space

With multifamily rentals like apartment complexes, you should expect more than one tenant to have a vehicle. You need to dedicate space for parking and even have designated parking spaces for each rental unit. You'll attract more prospective residents if they don't have to walk too far just to get to their car or have access to other transportation amenities like EV chargers.

Fitness Centers

Fitness centers are among the community amenities that can both attract tenants and ensure that your residents have a healthy lifestyle. It's a good addition if you don't have fitness gyms near your rental property. Residents prefer to have their needs within reach, and having both private and community amenities can encourage applicants to rent your unit.

Swimming Pool

While it's not a necessary communal amenity, it’s definitely one of the most desirable outdoor amenities you can have. Not many apartment buildings offer access to a pool since it takes up a lot of outdoor space and requires a lot of maintenance, but it is an apartment amenity your tenants will appreciate in the summer since it can get hot in San Diego.

Energy Efficient Appliances

Multifamily in-unit amenities also mean multiplied costs, which is why having energy-efficient appliances can help you and your tenants reduce costs from energy consumption. Apartment amenities like dishwashers and refrigerators usually have energy-efficient models you can buy, which is significantly beneficial for fully-furnished apartment complexes.

Walking Paths

Building a path to your rental's entrance adds to your listing's curb appeal. You may also do so for other outdoor amenities, encouraging more tenants to mingle in communal spaces since they don't have to walk through rough terrain to get there.

Pet Amenities

If you’re renting out pet-friendly units, you might as well add common amenities for pets like dog parks or pet washing stations. The latter ensures that pets won't have to enter your lobby without being cleaned, reducing the possibility of messes after a day in an outdoor space. This apartment amenity is more of a convenience than a necessity, but it will help attract pet-loving renters nonetheless.

Smart Security Features

There are plenty of smart security gadgets you can use to make the living space more safe for your residents. Other than installing smart locks, you can also put up security cameras that can detect people at the door or other entry points in the building where intruders might gain access or digital access codes unique to each tenant.

Community Garden

If you decide not to build pet amenities like a dog park, you can opt for a community garden instead, as both residents and pet owners can enjoy a nice day outside surrounded by flora. It's one of the best multifamily amenities you can have to boost your curb appeal and community environment.

Rental Property Amenities FAQs

What are the most popular amenities renters look for?

Some of the most sought-after amenities in apartment searches include in-unit laundry, internet access, storage, covered parking, fitness centers, security, pet amenities, community spaces, and security.

What are the costs of adding apartment amenities?

That will depend on the initial investment, ongoing maintenance, and increase in operating expenses, which is why you should add the amenities that will appeal to your target market the most.

How can I determine the best amenities for my target market?

You can find the right amenities by researching local market trends, surveying potential tenants, or analyzing what they might need. For instance, student tenants might want a room for studying, while rental businesses with tenants who work in corporate settings may prefer a business center instead.

How can I reduce operating costs for amenities?

Aside from opting for energy-efficient facilities and appliances, you can also charge amenity fees to your tenants for access to necessities like laundry rooms. You should also conduct regular inspections to reduce the need to respond to repair and maintenance requests.

Hiring a Property Manager to Fulfill Tenant Needs

Installing and building the needed amenities will not be enough to keep your tenants happy. Landlords need to perform management responsibilities diligently for better tenant satisfaction. Hiring a company like Harland Property Management can help you ensure that you meet those standards.

Contact us now, and we can elaborate on all the ways we can help you become a stress-free property owner. Leave the task of maximizing your rental value to us as you earn passive income and finally find the time to focus on other profitable ventures.

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